

Monday, August 23, 2010


List of area codes for Brazilian cities (DDD)
The term DDD means Long Distance Direct Call, and the prices varies according to the telephone carrier company that is used. First you must dial "0" , then the carrier code, then the city code (DDD) and finally the phone number.

Lista de códigos DDD das cidades do Brasil
O código DDD significa Discagem Direta a Distância e é utilizado para discagem interurbana através de prefixos que facilitaram a automação da telefonia.
Ele é distribuído por localidades dos estados e concentração de população nos mesmos, podendo assim num estado haver mais de um código DDD.
Uma dúvida que a gente sempre tem é: Como fazer DDD? Como ligar DDD? Para você fazer um DDD basta você digitar 0 + operadora + código cidade + telefone.
E quais são as tarifas DDD? Uma ligação DDD pode sair caro e a tarifa varia da operadora utilizada. Uma dica do blog é você utilizar VoIP, onde a ligação pode ser feita com tarifas muito reduzidas ou até mesmo ligações gratuitas pra qualquer lugar do mundo.
Caso a idéia seja somente você se localizar em algum lugar, você pode utilizar serviços de localização como o do Nokia Maps, que oferece informações precisas do local onde você está e para onde você quer ir.
Segue abaixo a lista de códigos DDD do Brasil:
11 – São Paulo (São Paulo)
12 – São José dos Campos (
São Paulo)
13 – Santos (
São Paulo)
14 – Bauru (
São Paulo)
15 – Sorocaba (
São Paulo)
16 – Ribeirão Preto (
São Paulo)
17 – São José do Rio Preto (
São Paulo)
18 – Presidente Prudente (
São Paulo)
19 – Campinas (
São Paulo)
21 – Rio de Janeiro (
Rio de Janeiro)
22 – Campos dos Goytacazes (
Rio de Janeiro)
24 – Volta Redonda (
Rio de Janeiro)
27 – Vila Velha/Vitória (
Espírito Santo)
28 – Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (
Espírito Santo)
31 – Belo Horizonte (
Minas Gerais)
32 – Juiz de Fora (
Minas Gerais)
33 – Governador Valadares (
Minas Gerais)
34 – Uberlândia (
Minas Gerais)
35 – Poços de Caldas (
Minas Gerais)
37 – Divinópolis (
Minas Gerais)
38 – Montes Claros (
Minas Gerais)
41 – Curitiba (
42 – Ponta Grossa (
43 – Londrina (
44 – Maringá (
45 – Foz do Iguaçú (
46 – Francisco Beltrão/Pato Branco (
47 – Joinville (
Santa Catarina)
48 – Florianópolis (
Santa Catarina)
49 – Chapecó (
Santa Catarina)
51 – Porto Alegre (
Rio Grande do Sul)
53 – Pelotas (
Rio Grande do Sul)
54 – Caxias do Sul (
Rio Grande do Sul)
55 – Santa Maria (
Rio Grande do Sul)
61 – Brasília (
Distrito Federal)
62 – Goiânia (
63 – Palmas (
64 – Rio Verde (
65 – Cuiabá (
Mato Grosso)
66 – Rondonópolis (
Mato Grosso)
67 – Campo Grande (
Mato Grosso do Sul)
68 – Rio Branco (Acre)
69 – Porto Velho (
71 – Salvador (
73 – Ilhéus (
74 – Juazeiro (
75 – Feira de Santana (
77 – Barreiras (
79 – Aracaju (
81 – Recife (
82 – Maceió (
83 – João Pessoa (
84 – Natal (
Rio Grande do Norte)
85 – Fortaleza (
86 – Teresina (
87 – Petrolina (
88 – Juazeiro do Norte (
89 – Picos (
91 – Belém (
92 – Manaus (
93 – Santarém 94 – Marabá (
95 – Boa Vista (
96 – Macapá (
97 – Coari (
98 – São Luís (
99 –
Imperatriz (Maranhão)

Thursday, August 19, 2010



I want to give you some information about the area where the island is located. The region is known as the Emerald Coast, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The main town on the mainland is Angra dos Reis. It has a population of 200,000 and is located 157 kms (two hours drive) to the south of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The first Portuguese expedition arrived in January 6, 1532. Americo Vespúcio exclaimed “Oh, God! If there was a paradise on earth, it would not be very far from here!”.

The Bay of Angra has 365 islands; many have been bought by members of the Brazilian elite, such as the Marinho family, owners of Rede Globo, one of the world´s biggest media companies (TV channel, newspaper and magazines). Other owners are Joao Havelange,(former head) of FIFA , Dr.Ivo Pitanguy, the famous plastic surgeon, as well as many of Brazil´s wealthiest businessmen.
Many of Dr.Pitanguy´s famous patients do their post surgery treatment and recuperation at the island.
In February 2010, Dr.Pitanguy was visited by Tom Cruise and his family.,,MUL984072-9798,00-TOM+CRUISE+ADOROU+VER+AS+ANTAS+DE+PERTO+CONTA+IVO+PITANGUY+A+JORNAL.html

Dr. Pitanguy has created a nature reserve on the island that includes a natural aquarium. The aquarium is next to the beach, forming a small bay and with a dike that separates it from the sea.

Near to Pitanguy´s island is “Ilha de Caras”, (Caras Island) .Caras is a celebrity magazine that uses the island to hold parties and interviews to VIPs. Due to its beautiful scenery, the island is also used by magazines such as Playboy to photograph their models.
Each year Caras organizes a regata in the Bay.

b) About the 2 houses on the island (included in price of 16.000.000 Brazil Reals)
Main House: living (10x3 sq mters),6 suites, kitchen, bathroom, varandas around the house
House 2: living room,2 suites, bathroom
House 3: Houskeeper´s home

swimming pool
covered barbeque area
gym with bodybuilding appliances
wharf for yachts

Other distances from Angra dos Reis:
SãoPaulo - 411 km,Paraty - 95,9 km,Volta Redonda – 108 km

contact person: Dan (55-21-75896004)

Friday, August 13, 2010



Data: 3 de Julio , 1947

Hora: 1830 pm

Nome do Observador : John F. Cole

Ocupação do observador: Astronomo

Localidade : South Brooksville, Maine, USA.

Lugar exato: Harborside, Maine.

Cantidade DE UFOs : 10

Distancia do objeto ao observador: Nao está seguro

Direcçao de voo: NW (verdadeiro)

Som : Alto e forte

Velocidade dos UFOs: entre 600 a 1200 mph

Tamanho dos UFOs: entre 50 a 100 pes de largura
Cor dos UFOs : claro
Notas : Observador fez um disenho dos objetos, mais este nao aparece nos arquivos do "Bluebook"


Brazilian Air Force reveals top secret UFO "X-Files"

All documents will be available to the public at the National Archives

Brasilia August 2010 - The Air Command Center of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) will keep a record of all UFOs that appear in Brazilian airspace.An official notice published on August 11 suggests that all civilian and military pilots, air traffic controllers and users of the air traffic control centers should inform of any UFO sightings to the Airspace Defense Command Center in Brasilia.

Any event that is seen, photographed or filmed within the huge Brazilian airspace (8,5 million square kilometers, equivalent to 34 times the size of the United Kingdom) and in the 13,5 million square kilometers over the territorial waters will be filed and archived in the Historical Documents Center of the Brazilian Air Force (Cendoc) . In an undisclosed timeframe, the FAB will transfer all information about UFOs from Cendoc to the National Archives in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia. Researchers or anyone interested will be able to access this information about ETs and UFOs.

FAB will not chase UFOs

The head of the FAB, brigadier Juniti Saito, signed official order number 551/GC3, on August 9 , whereby the Air Force will only process the information and creating the documents according to eyewitness versions.The FAB sent an official letter to O DIA,a Rio newspaper, where it stated that it will not follow any UFOs sighted in Brazilian airspace." The FAB does not have a specialized structure that can carry out scientific investigations about these aerial phenomenons , it will only register the incidents and deliver them to the National Archives. The FAB wants the citizens to have complete access to the information," said the letter.
12.800 Brazilian air traffic controllers will keep watch on airspace
The documents that will be revealed are not to be understimated. There are12.800 traffic controllers in Brazil, that are constantly focused on their airspace. . "There was a top secret FAB document that instructed personnel about how to register sightings of UFOs ", said a FAB official in charge of air traffic control. "We have reports of sightings by government ministers and even a President that saw UFOs ", said an air traffic controller from Rio de Janeiro. "This official order is given fifty years late. The U.S. government already had the Blue Book Project in the 1950s, with the only purpose of recording UFO sightings", said a high ranking FAB officer. "But over there, as will be the case here, this does not mean that UFOs exist", added the officer.
UFOs and ETs attacked in Pará in the 1970sBetween September and December of 1977, FAB officials investigated in Vigia,in the northern state of Para. Villagers of this jungle area denounced that thay had been attacked by UFOs that fired lasers at them, causing 1º degree burns, dizziness,headaches and trembling and draining of their blood.
Operation Flying Saucer registered 130 accounts from military personnel and civilians, as well as 500 photographs and 16 hours of film footage. In 1997, Coronel Uyrangê Lima, the leader of the operation, declared in an interview that he had seen UFOs as big as airplanes.

Night of the UFOs

On May 19 ,1986, FAB fighter jets attempted to intercept UFOs over Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.At least 21 UFOs were detected by the radars while others were followed by jets.According to witnesses and pilots, the UFOs were flying at speeds of between 250 and 1500 kmph.This episode was known as "the Night of the UFOs".


On January 20,1996, firefighters from this town in Minas Gerais were called to capture two creatures that had been seen in a park. The creatures had a strange appearance, with big red eyes, brown skin and oval heads. The creatures were captured and taken to an Army barracks, but no more information was given.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Many farm animals are massacred in Campo Grande, on the outskirts of Rio

In the morning of July 22, 2010, a group of farmers from Campo Grande, (a suburb of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro) woke up to find that 18 of their animals had been slaughtered. The peasants are sure that it was the work of the Chupacabras , a mythical creature whose name derives from the Spanish term meaning "the Goatsucker". The blood had been drained from all the animals, and no stains were found on the ground near the corpses. All that was left of the chickens was the feathers, while the goats had all the intestines removed. Reporters from RJRecord, a newscast aired by one of Brazil´s main TV channels, Rede Record, was the first to arrive at the crime scene.First to be interviewed was Jose Ricardo, a local farmer. "We really don´t know what happened, all that I can say is that some years ago my neighbor lost many animals in the same way, we have had many attacks like this in Campo Grande," said Jose Ricardo. A biologist called Anderson Mendes was sent by the authorities to investigate, and is also not sure who or what could have killed the animals. Anderson believes it was a pack of stray dogs, but was also astonished to find the footprints of a creature that he was unable to identify, in spite of his biological background. " All that the farmers can do is to lay traps near their houses and hope to capture whatever killed their animals," said Anderson to RJRecord.A well known Brazilian Ufologist, Orlando de Souza, also arrived at the farm and gave his own version to RJRecord."In my opinion, extraterrestial or extradimensional beings from a superior civilization did this. They are investigating the human and animal DNA structure on Planet Earth.I have never seen a dog cutting a perfectly round circle in a wire fence," said De Souza.This incident occurs at the same time as the Brazilian Air Force is revealing top secret information from its "X-Files". The most spectacular close encounter of the third kind in Brazil has been the 1967 Varginas incident, where it is reported that a UFO crashed in a rural area. The remains of three ET´s were found , but these were secretly handed over to a foreign organization, probably the NASA.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


"Como qualquer jornada, a do sucesso tambem começa com um bom planejamento. Chega a hora de botar o pé na estrada. Debe montar uma boa rede de relacionamentos. Debe aprender a habilidade par se relacionar bem, a capacidade para influir e liderar. A jornada é longa e exige muitos cuidados, além de atualizaçao constante. O sucesso estará ao alcance de todos aqueles que souberem tomar as decisões certas nas horas certas. O sucesso está em cada um dos passos que vamos a dar para chegar ao ponto onde sonhamos chegar."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


O que faz uma pessoa ser bem sucedida?

Vários fatores contribuem para que isso aconteça.

Mas existem algumas características que essas pessoas têm em comum.

Veja, abaixo, quais são elas:

1 - Todas elas trabalharam duro para chegar lá.

Não há dinheiro fácil no mundo. O sucesso exige trabalho duro, e só é alcançado pelos que se dispõem a enfrentar esse trabalho.

2 - Pessoas bem sucedidas são honestas.

O sucesso por meios desonestos dura pouco. O vendedor mentiroso e enrolador pode garantir a primeira venda, mas certamente nunca irá criar uma clientela...

3 - Pessoas bem sucedidas são perseverantes.

Tentam até conseguir.

4 - Pessoas bem sucedidas são, na maioria das vezes, amigáveis e gostam de pessoas.

É isso que permite que tenham facilidade em estabelecer contato e em liderar outros, quando necessário.

5 - Pessoas bem sucedidas gostam de aprender novas coisas. Durante toda a vida.

Aprender significa crescer. Curiosidade intelectual é a chave para uma das maiores vantagens na competição profissional - a informação atualizada. Aprender significa não só adquirir novos conhecimentos profissionais. Significa, também, aprender com os próprios erros.

6 - Pessoas bem sucedidas sempre entregam mais do que prometem.

Essa é uma regra de ouro - prometa a menos, entregue a mais. Assim, você não cria expectativas desnecessárias. E, ao entregar o que prometeu, causará uma agradável surpresa ao entregar mais do que prometeu.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Why Invest in Brazil?

Why Invest in Brazil?
Brazil is quite possibly the most exciting investment market in the world today. It is currently the world's 9th largest economy and accounts for over 40% of South America's total GDP. After
achieving Investment Grade in 2008, Brazil is widely predicted to be amongst the economic leaders of the future, along with Russia, India and China.

Manufacturing industries in Brazil are thriving and the latest oil and gas discoveries, combinedwith the fact that Brazil is already the leading producer of ethanol in the world, has firmly catapulted the country to energy self-sufficiency.

Interest rates are at an all-time low and inflation is stable. The private sector is thriving and investment is flooding in.
With this rapid pace of development in the Brazilian economy there is a growing national housing shortage. It is estimated that there is a current deficit of 8 million units, and Brazil's growing middle classes (expected to increase by 64% by 2015) are further pushing up demand.
Couple this with the increasing availability of mortgage products, which is opening up the market to millions of Brazilians who have previously been unable to get onto the property ladder and you have a remarkably strong onward sales market with the potential for great capital gain.

In addition to all of this Brazil has been selected to host the 2014 Football World Cup which will have a direct, positive impact on the country's and host cities' infrastructure, tax base, tourism stream and hospitality revenues. Brazil's GDP will not only experience substantial gains in 2014, but will also show gains in the following years, due to the pay off of public and private investment in facilities and infrastructure.
Why North-East Brazil?
Widely predicted to be amongst the economic leaders of the future, along with Russia, India and
Huge improvements brought by President Lula, including a decrease in inflation to an all-time low of 5.7%
Expected to become self-sufficient for oil within the next year
Increase of thriving manufacturing industries
Annual property price increases of over 20% in the North-East
Foreign investment actively encouraged
Favourable currency exchange, making it cheap for foreigners to invest
Low property maintenance costs
Cost of living a mere 20% of the UK/Europe Expanding internal air network and direct flights to Europe and the US Government dedicated to foreign tourism - annual tourist numbers have risen by almost 100% since 2005 and over 250,000 new jobs have been created for the Brazilian market
Located just south of the Equator, offering year round sunshine, with average daytime temperatures
of 27ºC
Great natural beauty with fantastic scenery and over 7,000 km of beaches
Friendly nature of the Brazilian people - rich culture, vibrant cities, carnivals and music
Low international risk of terrorism or war

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Brazilian Squad Rejects Jabulani Ball used in 2010 World Cup

All the players in Brazil´s national team dissaprove of the Jabulani ball, that will be used during the matches of the next World Cup. Julio Cesar, the goalkeeper, said that the ball makes unusual curves in the air and does not have a straight trajectory when kicked. Luis fabiano said that the Jabulani ball made by Adidas is similar to those cheap balls that are sold in supermarkets. Meanwhile the home team and England appointed their final lists of 23 players. Carlos Alberto Parreira rejected Benny MacCarthy, while Fabio Capello shocked the world by leaving out Theo Walcott, England´s most famous player. This is the official list published today:

Work in Brazil with your PC !

South Africa World Cup squad:
Goalkeepers: Itumeleng Khune, Moeneeb Josephs, Shu-aib Walters
Defenders: Aaron Mokoena (captain), Siboniso Gaxa, Bongani Khumalo, Anele Ngcongca, Tsepo Masilela, Lucas Twala, Mathew Booth, Lance Davids, Siyabonga Sangweni
Midfielders: Teko Modise, Siphiwe Tshabalala, Steven Pienaar, Thanduyise Khuboni, Kagiso Dikgacoi, Macbeth Sibaya, Reneilwe Letsholonyane, Surprise Moriri
Strikers: Bernard Parker, Katlego Mphela, Siyabonga Nomvete
Coach: Carlos Alberto Parreira

England's final 23-man squad for the World Cup in South Africa:
Goalkeepers: David James (Portsmouth), Robert Green (West Ham), Joe Hart (Man City)
Defenders: Jamie Carragher (Liverpool), Ashley Cole (Chelsea), Rio Ferdinand (Man Utd), Glen Johnson (Liverpool), Ledley King (Tottenham), John Terry (Chelsea), Matthew Upson (West Ham), Stephen Warnock (Aston Villa)
Midfielders: Gareth Barry (Man City), Michael Carrick (Man Utd), Joe Cole (Chelsea), Steven Gerrard (Liverpool), Frank Lampard (Chelsea), Aaron Lennon (Tottenham), James Milner (Aston Villa), Shaun Wright-Phillips (Man City)
Forwards: Wayne Rooney (Man Utd), Emile Heskey (Aston Villa), Peter Crouch (Tottenham), Jermain Defoe (Tottenham)
Coach : Fabio Capello

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The World Cup, commences in June, so now might be the time to place a bet.
So, who are the favorites to win the 19th soccer World Cup?
Odds Of Brazil Winning The 2010 World Cup
9/2 (+450)
The five time winners are joint favorites, with Spain, to win the 19th World Cup. Brazil are in great form, qualifying convincingly at the top of the South American group, and tasting victory in the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup. They are one of the strongest teams and will be confident of claiming their sixth World Cup championship.
Odds Of Spain Winning The 2010 World Cup
9/2 (+450)
The European Cup holders are joint favorites, with Brazil, and have recently been hailed by Pele, to claim their first championship. Following a flawless qualifying campaign, winning ten out of ten, Spain are the current number one team in the rankings, and will be the team to beat in South Africa.
Odds Of England Winning The 2010 World Cup
6/1 (+600)
England finished top of a difficult qualifying group containing Ukraine and Croatia. Although, currently only ninth in the FIFA rankings, the odds reflect English optimism and hope that they can repeat their feat if 1966 and win a second World Cup.
Odds Of Argentina Winning The 2010 World Cup
8/1 (+800)
After trying their hardest not to qualify, Diego’s Maradona’s team, finally made it to the World Cup finals, and now they have sneaked in, they could be very dangerous. The team individually and collectively will have to improve massively to make an impact in South Africa.


Odds Of Germany Winning The 2010 World Cup
12/1 (+1200)
Never rule Germany out. As they have shown, time and time again, Germany are a big-tournament-team, who always perform at the highest level on the world’s biggest stage. Undefeated in qualifying the Germans are on course to have another successful World Cup.
Odds Of Italy, Holland, France and Portugal Winning The 2010 World Cup
All - 14/1 (+1400)
Italy, Holland, France and Portugal are four European teams who shouldn’t be written off. Each team is capable of winning the World Cup if they can find their form at the right time. Italy and Holland topped their qualification groups.
Odds To Win The World Cup: Fractional (American) (All Odds Taken from On The 11/24/09)
Spain - 9/2 (+450)
Brazil - 9/2 (+450)
England - 6/1 (+600)
Argentina - 8/1 (+8000)
Germany - 12/1 (+1200)
Italy - 14/1 (+1400)
Netherlands - 14/1 (+1400)
France - 14/1 (+1400)
Portugal - 14/1 (+1400)
Ivory Coast - 20/1 (+2000)
Chile - 40/1 (+4000)
Cameroon - 66/1 (+6600)
Paraguay - 66/1 (+6600)
Ghana - 66/1 (+6600)
Serbia - 66/1 (+6600)
Mexico - 80/1 (+8000)
USA - 80/1 (+8000)
Greece - 80/1 (+8000)
Uruguay - 100/1 (+10000)
Nigeria - 100/1 (+10000)
South Africa - 100/1 (+10000)
Australia - 100/1 (+10000)
Denmark - 100/1 (+10000)
Slovenia - 100/1 (+10000)
Switzerland - 150/1 (+15000)
Japan - 200/1 (+20000)
Slovakia - 250/1 (+25000)
South Korea - 250/1 (+25000)
Algeria - 250/1 (+25000)
New Zealand - 500/1 (+50000)
Honduras - 500/1 (+50000)
North Korea - 500/1 (+50000) All odds taken from (11/24/2009)

Brazil expects succesful 2014 FIFA World Cup

Brazil is already anticipating the economic benefits of hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The initial prediction from Brazil's Ministry of Sport is that around 600 thousand foreign football fans will visit Brazil during the 2014 finals, which will take place in twelve cities: Curitiba and Porto Alegre in the south; Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in the south-east; Cuiabá and Brasília in central Brazil; Manaus in the north; and Fortaleza, Natal, Recife and Salvador in the north-east. It is estimated that the 2014 World Cup will have created more than 300 thousand jobs between 2009, when Brazil was chosen as host country, and the end of the tournament. Major investments in infrastructure, including airports and urban transport, are already taking place in preparation for 2014. The twelve stadiums where the matches will take place are either due to be upgraded or, in three cases, under construction. However, the Ministry of Sport announced this week that every venue will be ready in time for the 2013 Confederations Cup (a smaller-scale international tournament that takes place one year before the World Cup). The largest stadium, and one of the candidates for hosting the World Cup final on 13 July 2014, is Rio de Janeiro's famous Maracanã, which will have a capacity of around 90 thousand. The 2014 World Cup will be the first in South America since the 1978 tournament in Argentina. Brazil will become the fifth country (along with France, Germany, Italy and Mexico) to have hosted the tournament twice, having previously done so in 1950.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Trabalhe com seu Computador....INGRESE A NOSSO EQUIPE!

Trabalhe em Casa utilizando seu computador, ou até mesmo em uma lan house, participando do GranaMundial você receberá um link perzonalizado para divulgar e ganhar dinheiro, receberá as melhores comissões do mercado, receberá um kit com diversos produtos digitais testados e aprovados, entre eles lista 220 milhões de emails, 8 programas de envio e extração, receberá muito mais produtos que podem ser vistos no nosso site, acesse nosso site e confira, além disso suas comissões serão pagas todas semanas, menor investimento e com mega desconto promocional limitado, não perca a chance confira agora mesmo sem nenhum compromisso:

Affiliate Marketing to Increase in Brazil

While Europe is near to a financial disaster and the U.S is still shaking from the past crisis, the Brazilian economy continues to grow at a constant pace. President Lula has already promised to loan the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 250 million dollars to help countries such as Greece from going bankrupt. Lula has also stated that he wants to increase Internet access in Brazil and will use Telebras, a state owned telecommunications company, to spread optic fiber connections to the North and Northeastern regions. In Manaus, capital of the nothern Amazon State, internet access is so slow that to download a one minute video the person must wait for 40 minutes.
The situation is similar in the Northeast, but not so in the more industrialized southern states where cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre have adequate Internet connections. In this last city, there are many hotspots where citizens can access the web for free via WI-FI. The Telebras project will mean that millions of Brazilians will have better connections and on line businesses such as Granaland can only expect to see an increase in its affiliates and activity. Brazilian population is very near to reaching 200 million, of these about 80 million are adults over the age of eighteen, the required age to become an affiliate to a local company.
After paying the low entry fee of 25 Reals (approximately US $12) the new member will have an own webpage, and will also be able to download a kit that includes high quality digital products such a list with 220 million emails, software for sending and retrieving emails, 1030 professional style webpage templates. With these tools, the associate can begin to set up his own network of associates that will in turn replicate his activity. The company pays the associates commissions once a week, and there are also prizes such as laptops and the latest model of mobile phones for the members that earn most every month.

Article Source:


Brazilian Expats use affiliate marketing to make money in their country

A new affiliate marketing company has been operating in Brazil since 2009. Any Brazilian, including those living abroad can become an associate of, and with a low investment of 25 Reals (about US$ 12) will receive the start up kit that one Professional responder software, an e-book cover creator, 1030 templates used to create high quality websites, a list with 220 million e-mails and 8email sending and extraction softwares. Since most ex-pats living abroad have savings bank accounts in Brazil, all their earnings will be deposited very week by the company. With perseverance and effort, the new affiliate should be getting positive results within a short period of time. After all, if they use their PC to chat, read the latest news, play video games etc, why can´t they use it to make money? This system has an e-commerce format whose aim is to distribute the kit with the high quality digital products, and has been proven successful by thousands of net workers during many years of practical experience.
To become an affiliate click here